Bible studies
Please familiarise yourself with the introductory notes for each series. (These studies were not designed for in-cell or correspondence work).
Old Testament
10 studies to introduce the Old Testament by following the main characters
7 studies on the life of Moses
7 estudios acerca de la vida de Moisés
God is faithful despite our unfaithfulness. For a mature group.
Studies from the life of David
Studies from the Psalms
Estudios de Salmos
New Testament
Short studies from Luke’s gospel
Bible studies from John’s gospel
Bible studies from John’s gospel, looking at Jesus’ ‘I am…’ statements
Investigating events in the early church
Unpacking the gospel and areas of discipleship from Romans
10 studies which unpack and apply Ephesians
7 studies which unpack and apply the letters to the Colossians and Philemon
4 studies on the first letter to the Thessalonians
6 studies from James’ letter
8 studies to try to help you iron out some common misunderstandings
Topic based
Guilt and Forgiveness course stuff
These downloads are NOT STAND-ALONE STUDIES, please only use them in conjunction with the Guilt and Forgiveness course manual
Studies for the weeks before Christmas
Studies for the weeks before Easter
‘What the Bible says about…’, short studies suitable for Christians and non-believers
Repentance and belief in Christ brings freedom from sin and death, by the grace of God. But sometimes we still feel trapped in inner prisons. Jesus is the answer to these chains too! These Bible studies aim to help us to begin to address some of these inner prisons.
Stand alone studies (including Halloween study)
Some Bible studies use SMART goals – read here for further information
Studies and prayers for individuals, not groups
These studies have been specifically written for in-cell work, so most people should be able to answer the questions without support and come to some sort of sensible conclusion on their own. Some of the prayers relate specifically to the COVID19 pandemic.