Time For Change Ministries

Time For Change Ministries provides Biblical resources for use in the prison environment. These resources are written in a way that clearly expounds the passage and presents the gospel, while taking into account certain factors that specifically affect prisoners.  These include the average literacy level of a UK prisoner, prevalent mental health issues, ADHD and vulnerabilities of prisoners.  The result is an interactive and engaging presentation of the Bible.

TFCM statement of faith

What’s different about a prison setting?

Who is involved?

Not to us, O LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory…  Psalm 115 v 1

Gillian Pegler

Gillian has been involved in prison ministry since 2006, after visits to Filipino prisons with Philippine Outreach Centre Ministries (POCM).  She then started a weekly Bible study for prisoners in HMP Cardiff.

Prior to pioneering Time For Change Ministries in 2012, Gillian gained a Diploma in Applied Theology at Redcliffe College and worked with Christianity Explored Ministries, co-writing the Christianity Explored Prison Edition and Discipleship Explored Prison Edition.

Gillian has been a Christian since her early 20’s, and is a member and Mission Partner of her church in Cardiff.  She is a Prison Chaplain at HMP Cardiff and HMP Prescoed and continues to visit the Philippines and work alongside the POCM prison ministry team.  Gillian is a Crosslinks Associate Mission Partner.

Working on specific projects:


Ali Cripps

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Ali is a proofreader and copy-editor who has worked freelance for various publishers and with Gillian on ‘The Promised Child‘ and ‘The Promised Saviour‘ books.

She was a linguist and translator with Wycliffe Bible Translators and has a degree in music from the Royal Academy of Music, a Diploma in Applied Theology from All Nations Christian College and a PGCE in secondary music teaching.

Spanish translation:

Julie Noble

Julie is a Latin Link missionary based in Oruro, Bolivia. She is involved in prison work through Prison Fellowship Oruro alongside other ministries in her church. Julie translated some of the TFC Bible studies into Spanish.

Gema Albornoz Ramírez

Gema lives in Aguilar, Spain, where she is an English teacher. Gema proof-read Julie’s Spanish translations.